Home » 2015 » November » 12 » willy paul goes crazy
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willy paul goes crazy
willy Paul goes crazy

Something is seriously wrong with Willy Paul! Perhaps one of the bolts that was supposed to hold the sanity part of his brain is loose!

The government seems to have forsaken Nairobi when it decided to sent all machinery to the Coast to deal with the drug menace. Some Nairobians desperately need help because what they are taking is on another level. Willy Paul’s action just proved that.

The ‘Vigelegele’ hit maker decided to take a jab at Kenyan hip hop artists but the way he did it makes you wonder whether he’s totally losing it upstairs.

Willy was trying to emulate what hip hoppers do when they are on stage performing. He took a water bottle which he assumed was the mic, spat some few confusing vibes then all over sudden he went absolutely crazy. He started throwing everything all over as he laughed like a Turkana goat on heat.

Could his prank be a strategy to hit back at Kenrazy?? I mean a while back the short rapper recorded a video mocking Willy Paul.

Category: Musician news | Views: 651 | Added by: johanesalala | Tags: willy paul, kenyan gospel news | Rating: 0.0/0
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